Cover Letter Tips

Is the Cover Letter Important?

Most job seekers put in a lot of time and effort in creating the perfect CV to grab the attention of the hiring managers. Not all of them give an equal importance to the cover letter. Some even send the application without the cover letter. This can be a fatal error on their part as cover letter is an essential document used in the recruitment process.

A well written and concise cover letter is important to support the CV. As commonly believed, it is not just an additional document attached to increase the resume appeal. In some cases, your CV can get trashed just because it is not supported by an appropriate cover letter.

Purpose of the cover letter

The purpose of the cover letter is to create and impression on the hiring manager with a simple description of your credentials in a few lines. You need to realize that the HR managers are bombarded with hundreds of applications for a particular job and generally do not have the time to thoroughly go through each application. There is a huge chance that your resume is put aside without even giving one look just because there is nothing to grab the attention. A well drafted cover letter can be just that attention-grabbing tool to entice the hiring manager to read through your resume.

Using cover letter templates

Internet is flooded with cover letter templates but it is not a good idea to use them. It takes away the uniqueness from your application and kills all originality and creativity. You can, however, take inspiration from the templates and samples available on the websites and then rephrase these to customize for the particular job.

One reply on “Is the Cover Letter Important?”

The job market is as competitive today as ever, which makes creating an effective cover letters are more important than ever. A well-written cover letter gives a framework to understand the work experience and education listed on the resume.

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