You should thank your bosses for not giving you the promotion you were hoping for. According to an article published in today’s print version of Daily Times, a study presented at the conference of Royal Economic Society concludes that job promotion increases the mental strain by an average of 10%.
After reading this article about this research at University of Warwick, I am suddenly feeling guilty of my own thoughts. I had unpleasant opinion against my one boss who was not supportive of my career growth. How could I feel bad about her while she was simply holding back or interrupting my promotion to save me from the increased mental strain!!!
The article says, and I quote, “While analysing the British Household Panel Survey data set involving 1000 individual promotions, they found no evidence of improved physical health. However, those who were promoted experienced a significantly greater mental strain.”
Very technical finding!
The article quotes a researcher, “Our research finds that the mental health of managers typically deteriorates after a job promotion, and in a way that goes beyond merely a short-term change.”
Do you agree with this finding?