The Resource Group - Jobs at TRG

Description: TRG is the leading provider of customized outsourcing solutions and proprietary technology, with an extensive client base of Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 companies. TRG is amongst the fastest growing BPO companies, operating on a global scale in multiple locations across North America, Europe and East and South Asia. There is always something happening at TRG! We have excellent employee retention programs set up to maintain employee satisfaction. We cater to our various programs and mould entertainment portals accordingly. Every holiday is celebrated with a bang! We pride ourselves in knowing that we have hit every median of entertainment and brought excitement to the average work day. Mondays are no longer boring and Fridays are not the end of the week, but the beginning of something unknown and spectacular!
Category: World » Pakistan » Companies in Pakistan
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Date of Listing: Aug 9, 2005
Current Rating: 3.91
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