
Description: Mobilink - Online HR Hiring Management System. Mobilink GSM (PMCL), a subsidiary of Orascom Telecom,is the market leader in providing state-of-the-art communications solutions in Pakistan. We can proudly boast of being the first cellular service provider in Pakistan to operate on a 100% digital GSM technology. We offer tariff plans that are exclusively designed to cater to the communication needs of a diverse group of people, taking into account occasional users to businessmen. To achieve this objective, we offer both postpaid (Indigo) and the prepaid (JAZZ) solutions to our customers. In addition to providing advanced voice communication services, we also offer a number of value added services to our valued subscribers. Keeping in mind our customers' convenience, we have also bundled mobile handsets, sold either independently or bundled in Get Set Go Pack. Mobilink GSM started operations in the year 1994, from then on it has shown enormous growth. At the time when it entered the market it was a small player in the cellular market of Pakistan it is now the market leader both in terms of growth as well as having the largest subscriber base in Pakistan.
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Date of Listing: Aug 9, 2005
Current Rating: 8.37
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Posted: Feb 9, 2011
I need a finance job