Treat - Saudi Treatment Chemicals Factory

Description: We manufacture and supply water treatment chemicals, chemicals utilized in the manufacture of: Paints, Cleaning products, Detergents and Disinfectants that provide the most effective and productive means of achieving superior levels of hygiene, cleanliness, safety and environmental care.
Category: Saudi Arabia » Companies
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Date of Listing: Dec 3, 2005
Current Rating: 8.91
Clicks/Hits Received: 2951
Number of Reviews/Comments: 2
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User Comments
shailal ahmad siddiqui
Posted: Jan 30, 2011
myself the student of M.Sc(Industrial Chemistry) from Lucknow university, Lucknow India and I am searching for the job
Posted: Jan 30, 2011
myself the student of M.Sc(Industrial Chemistry) from Lucknow university, Lucknow India and I am searching for the job
Posted: Jul 29, 2019
I have worked in Saudi Arabia in the 1980s and 1990s in sales and marketing of Paints,construction chemical and building materials.I am looking for a suitable job again in Saudi Arabia.