101 Offshore Oil Jobs .com

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Category: Profession Specific » Oil and Gas Sector
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Date of Listing: Jan 8, 2003
Current Rating: 9.00
Clicks/Hits Received: 3325
Number of Reviews/Comments: 3
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User Comments
md faizan sarwar
Posted: Feb 22, 2016
Email: faizansarwar72@gmail.com
sir i am a mechanical engineer and i work in saudi Arabian baytur . it is an saudi Aramco project.
Posted: Feb 22, 2016
Email: faizansarwar72@gmail.com
sir i am a mechanical engineer and i work in saudi Arabian baytur . it is an saudi Aramco project.
Posted: May 24, 2013
Email: mehdihassanjsr@gmail.com
I want to work in your company
Posted: May 24, 2013
Email: mehdihassanjsr@gmail.com
I want to work in your company
Posted: Jul 27, 2016
Email: anwizzy97@gmail.com
Good day. I was just running around on the net that was how I came across these. i'll love it if it works just to have d experience of order world how it feels, and looks.thanks