Atlas Medical International - Healthcare Staffing, Healthcare Consulting, Hospital Operation and Management

Description: Atlas Medical International is a healthcare services company providing healthcare staffing, healthcare consulting and hospital operation and management to hospitals, clinics and healthcare facilities in primary care and secondary facilities, physician networks in North America, Europe, Middle East, Australia and New Zealand. We are recruiting and employing nurses, physicians, therapists, pharmacists, allied health professionals and technical staff in the United States, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, New Zealand and Australia. We have worldwide jobs opportunities for Head Nurses, Staff Nurses, Registered Nurses, Midwives, Allied Health Professionals, and we provide hospital operation and hospital management and hospital operation and management. primary care services, healthcare operation and healthcare management with high quality standards, cost-effective, and turn-key operation of hospitals on short and long term engagement.
Category: Iraq » Manpower Suppliers to Iraq
Visit Atlas Medical International - Healthcare Staffing, Healthcare Consulting, Hospital Operation and Management (opens in new window)
Date of Listing: Mar 27, 2006
Current Rating: 4.67
Clicks/Hits Received: 1114
Number of Reviews/Comments: 3
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User Comments
Posted: May 23, 2018
Hi I have manpower Rectument Agency in Ethiopia if you are kind we will work together for sending employees from Ethiopia
Posted: Jun 24, 2016
Is that in Iraq to work as a nurse we need registration ...other then what we have from our home have any idea about any web link which can clarify this..
Posted: Mar 23, 2019
I'm commerce graduate, worked with fawaz al hokair group of fashion retail in saudi Arabia since may 2004 to September 2018 as a salesperson, cashier, teamleader, store manager. Good Command on English Arebic and hindi language