AAL Salman group of companies

Description: Your partner in Iraq. The group was developed at the end of fifties & sixties to be possessing an assemblage of textile manufactures & shirts tailoring factories. At the beginning of seventies, the group entered in the domain of plastic manufacturing. At the recent years, the activity of the group had been concentrated through the trade company related to the group , this company had realized many commercial contracts of more than 500 million USD of importing variety of materials. Main time the group concentrates on transferring technology, and transferring know-how. The group has an excellent relationships with many international corporations. In 2003 the group had concentrated on joint venture projects and on transferring technology, and transferring know-how. It had succeeded in realizing many projects related to improvement planning.
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Date of Listing: Sep 13, 2004
Current Rating: 9.00
Clicks/Hits Received: 2114
Number of Reviews/Comments: 1
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Posted: Oct 3, 2013
Email: firozalam9188@yahoo.com
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