Middle East Placement Volunteers

Description: A volunteer group helping people with placement
Category: Gulf » Volunteer Efforts
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Date of Listing: Nov 12, 2003
Current Rating: 7.28
Clicks/Hits Received: 2037
Number of Reviews/Comments: 2
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User Comments
Wasim Ifzal
Posted: Jul 25, 2013
Email: wasim63@yahoo.com
Dear Sir /Madam
I am looking For a job in Middle East as per my Qualification and Experience and applied online with many Recruitment Agancies but sofar no luck.
Now I see your site and study that you help people in getting them job.
So kindly view my CV and please try to get me job as per my Qualification and Experience I shall be thankful to you.
Kind regards
Wasim Ifzal
Posted: Jul 25, 2013
Email: wasim63@yahoo.com
Dear Sir /Madam
I am looking For a job in Middle East as per my Qualification and Experience and applied online with many Recruitment Agancies but sofar no luck.
Now I see your site and study that you help people in getting them job.
So kindly view my CV and please try to get me job as per my Qualification and Experience I shall be thankful to you.
Kind regards
Wasim Ifzal
Posted: Mar 21, 2016
Email: prabinadhoor@gmail.com
Dear Sir,My Name is Prabin. I have 6 years experience in Purchase & Stores Activity in Construction & interior decoration Company at Muscat ( Services & Trade Co LLC - Sobha Group )
I am currently seeking a new appointment / responsibility and am writing to inquire if I could, with my background, experiences and qualifications in the Stores,Purchase,Logistics & Accounts can be of interest to your Organization.
Please help me to getting good job
Yours sincerely
Prabin Gopal
Mobile : 00971526484873