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This is a special Pak-Rupees version of the popular utility. The difference is that instead of millions and billions this works on the lakh, crore system. From original version: This neat little utility helps you convert any amount appearing in figures to words including currency amounts. The best part of this tool is the facility to pick up the "figure amount" from any open spreadsheet and transfer the "word amount" equivalent to your Windows clipboard so that you can paste it in virtually any Windows application.
Rating: [8.83] Votes: [55]

Biorhythm is the art and science of tracking your body's natural cycles and planning your daily life and all major activities accordingly. This quick and simple tool will plot anyone's biorhythm graphs for the Physical, Emotional and Intellectual cycles for an entire month. The tool has been structured so that you can conveniently take a printout and put it up on your personal notice board.
Rating: [9.18] Votes: [11]

If you ever said to yourself "I know the net price and the discount percentage, but what was the full price before discount?" then worry no more. Here is the solution.
Rating: [9.40] Votes: [10]

A very simple and low-tech template. This template gives you all the payments due to suppliers in seperate month-wise columns even though the information you provide is just the Date and Amount of each transaction. The same template can also be used for tracking receiveables in a separate sheet.
Rating: [6.95] Votes: [19]

When you need to distribute cash, how much of each denomination do you need? This simple template gives you a ready-to-use format, and also shows you how its done. Just look at all the formulas and you will understand how to construct this on your own.
Rating: [8.91] Votes: [11]

This file demonstrates how to generate random numbers without using any scripts. Very easy to run.
Rating: [7.33] Votes: [3]

This version of the script allows you to apply the change in one attempt to multiple cells, and they need not be a single continous array. This set of 3 scripts provide you the much needed support in Excel to change the case of the text in the active cell to UPPER CASE, lower case, or Title Case. To use them, simply keep this file open in the background, while you work on other workbooks, and when you want to change the case, press Alt-F8 and then double-click the script you want to run.
Rating: [9.51] Votes: [20]

This set of 3 scripts provide you the much needed support in Excel to change the case of the text in the active cell to UPPER CASE, lower case, or Title Case. To use them, simply keep this file open in the background, while you work on other workbooks, and when you want to change the case, press Alt-F8 and then double-click the script you want to run.
Rating: [7.67] Votes: [6]

Ever wanted to display the result of a spreadsheet calculation in a HTML file on your intranet? Here is a quick and simple way to go about. The more HTML you know, the more you can achieve through this. Also, if you are able to run SHTML on your intranet, then you can write the results of the calculations into seperate text files that will hold the values for each variable, and you can call each variable in the SHTML file in separate placeholders.
Rating: [9.17] Votes: [6]

To decompress or open all of the files on this page you would need a ZIP UNZIP tool. Winzip is a popular tool available from this link.
Rating: [8.20] Votes: [10]
Free Downloads
Free Downloads - Tools for Microsoft Excel users by Raza Jaffri1. Figures to Words Convertor - Rupees Version

This is a special Pak-Rupees version of the popular utility. The difference is that instead of millions and billions this works on the lakh, crore system. From original version: This neat little utility helps you convert any amount appearing in figures to words including currency amounts. The best part of this tool is the facility to pick up the "figure amount" from any open spreadsheet and transfer the "word amount" equivalent to your Windows clipboard so that you can paste it in virtually any Windows application.
Rating: [8.83] Votes: [55]
2. Biorhythms Calendar Calculator

Biorhythm is the art and science of tracking your body's natural cycles and planning your daily life and all major activities accordingly. This quick and simple tool will plot anyone's biorhythm graphs for the Physical, Emotional and Intellectual cycles for an entire month. The tool has been structured so that you can conveniently take a printout and put it up on your personal notice board.
Rating: [9.18] Votes: [11]
3. Price Before Discount

If you ever said to yourself "I know the net price and the discount percentage, but what was the full price before discount?" then worry no more. Here is the solution.
Rating: [9.40] Votes: [10]
4. Scheduling Supplier or Customer Payments

A very simple and low-tech template. This template gives you all the payments due to suppliers in seperate month-wise columns even though the information you provide is just the Date and Amount of each transaction. The same template can also be used for tracking receiveables in a separate sheet.
Rating: [6.95] Votes: [19]
5. Cash Time

When you need to distribute cash, how much of each denomination do you need? This simple template gives you a ready-to-use format, and also shows you how its done. Just look at all the formulas and you will understand how to construct this on your own.
Rating: [8.91] Votes: [11]
6. Random Numbers

This file demonstrates how to generate random numbers without using any scripts. Very easy to run.
Rating: [7.33] Votes: [3]
7. Case Control 2

This version of the script allows you to apply the change in one attempt to multiple cells, and they need not be a single continous array. This set of 3 scripts provide you the much needed support in Excel to change the case of the text in the active cell to UPPER CASE, lower case, or Title Case. To use them, simply keep this file open in the background, while you work on other workbooks, and when you want to change the case, press Alt-F8 and then double-click the script you want to run.
Rating: [9.51] Votes: [20]
8. Case Control

This set of 3 scripts provide you the much needed support in Excel to change the case of the text in the active cell to UPPER CASE, lower case, or Title Case. To use them, simply keep this file open in the background, while you work on other workbooks, and when you want to change the case, press Alt-F8 and then double-click the script you want to run.
Rating: [7.67] Votes: [6]
9. Displaying Results in HTML File

Ever wanted to display the result of a spreadsheet calculation in a HTML file on your intranet? Here is a quick and simple way to go about. The more HTML you know, the more you can achieve through this. Also, if you are able to run SHTML on your intranet, then you can write the results of the calculations into seperate text files that will hold the values for each variable, and you can call each variable in the SHTML file in separate placeholders.
Rating: [9.17] Votes: [6]
10. WinZip

To decompress or open all of the files on this page you would need a ZIP UNZIP tool. Winzip is a popular tool available from this link.
Rating: [8.20] Votes: [10]