GulfJobSites.com is the first ever independent directory of job and employment related websites from the Arabian Gulf / Persian Gulf region covering Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Iraq and Iran.
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If you know about a website that is not already included here, please tell
us about it. You do not necessarily have to represent that website, because
our objective is a collaborative effort of friends helping friends find jobs.
To suggest a website, please go the Home Page and then click on the relevant section where you beleive the website should be listed. For instance, if you are recommending the website of a Recruitment Agency from Kuwait, then please click on Kuwait and then click on Recruitment Agencies section within Kuwait. When that page opens, please click on Suggest a Site in the yellow header bar, next to Modify a Link. A form will appear. Please fill in that form and submit the details. We will take care of the rest.